Here at O.W.R., we respect our art instructors' privacy. As many travel often to teach art education, tours, art courses, and lectures… we will be discreet.
E.B. has taught workshops in the U.S., England, France, Spain, and Morocco. She has 2 Master’s degrees in education and fine arts. She emphasizes art therapy and facilitates workshops in the U.S., England, France, Spain, and Morocco. She will give us a tour of the gallery where she is showcased locally and teach a full-day class for us.
K.G. has a master’s degree in art education, studied murals, and worked worldwide, including in Spain, India, France, and Morocco. She has taught for over 25 years. She has her work for sale locally, has published a book, and has collaborated with large projects all over the World. K.G. feeds her creative spirit with ancient ruins, myths, and dreams.
J.L. is an accomplished sculptor. He worked for eight years in Israel as the Ornament Specialist for the Baha’i World Center in Haifa, Israel. He aided in the restoration, repair, and replacement of 100’s of pieces around this extraordinary property. His work has been in galleries around the country, from Main and New York to Santa Fe, NM, and Arizona, and now is sprinkled throughout Ashland, Oregon, and surrounding areas.
R.T. grew up exploring the Rogue Valley. She left for Savannah College of Art and Design, then Denver for a program in Art Education. In 2018, she opened The Miners' Bazaar in Jacksonville. Project Cafe, Bar, and Boutique - a historic house filled with art kits, treats, drinks, and works by local artists. She will teach us at her art studio, where we will spend the day in this eclectic and inspiring space.
K.G. participates in retreats often. She uses color and impressionism to help students convey a personal message. A passion for the sacred Mandala has led to her chosen area of creative expression. A career in the “Blue Collar “workforce for most of her adult life has transitioned into the following chapters of life. She is lending a space for curiosity, color, freedom, and following her passions. She can’t wait to share it with you.
J.M. Attended school for Fine Arts. She quickly fell in love with the power of color and the way it could transform feelings, emotions, and energy levels. Opening an art gallery in 2010 allowed her to continue to educate youth about the power of art and freedom of expression. She celebrates individuality and helps her students find confidence in that, too!
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